Pursuing Prosperity
Chief and Council is committed to the ongoing and future prosperity of Flying Post First Nation. We have been engaged with several opportunities and partnerships that have engaged our community with key employers in the region. Through these partnerships we have established financial and employment opportunities that will benefit our community and its members for years to come.
Niiwin General Partnership Inc.
Niiwin is a dynamic partnership between Goldcorp Porcupine Gold Mines and Flying Post, Matachewan, Mattagami and Wahgoshig First Nations. Signed in 2014, this Resource Development Agreement has created opportunities for our community in the local mining sector.
With all four organizations sharing equal ownership opportunities for employment, employment training and contracting are providing economic benefit and sustainable growth for all included.
IAMGOLD currently has a new mine site in development that is expected to be in commercial production by late 2023. Estimates foresee production of approximately 470 ounces of gold per year during the first six years of operation.
The Côté Gold project resides within the traditional territory of Flying Post and Mattagami First Nations, and in 2019, IAMGOLD and Flying Post First Nation embarked on a historic Impact Benefits Agreement.
The $1.7-billion project is expected to create:
- more than 1,000 jobs during construction,
- 450 jobs during operation,
- Generate $5 billion in wages through direct and indirect job creation;
- and $10 billion in economic activity.
This agreement guarantees job opportunities and financial and economic benefits for the Flying Post First Nation and its members.